
BECOMING is a creative enquiry into the relationship of human and nonhuman organisms expressed through the medium of poetry, theory, soundart, fine art and performance. This project investigates what it is to BE fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal in a shamanistic effort to better explore and integrate these different ways of being into our human selves.

In Spring 2020, as government responses to coronavirus shut down human activity, the rest of the world thrived. Unmown verges flowered and seeded, animals moved into urban centres, air and water cleared, bird and fish populations began to recover. It has taken a pandemic for humans to register the profound effect our behaviour has on the species with which we cohabit this earth. BECOMING builds on a heightened sensitivity and commitment to finding a better way to live with rather than in spite of or at the expense of other life forms.


a work-in-progress exhibition

16th Sep - 1st Oct 2023

New Farm, Lydford on Fosse, TA11 7HA

(two doors up from the cross keys pub, opposite the bus shelter)


New Farm, Lydford on Fosse, TA11 7HA

(two doors up from the cross keys pub, opposite the bus shelter)

I was delighted to co-host a 📣 BECOMING BIRD WALK 📣 on Sunday 10th September as part of Hanna Tuulikki's programme of events celebrating ‘the bird that never flew’ at Glasgow Cathedral.  

Responding to the habitat of the Necropolis, I shared fragments of poems to help participants sink into a deeper listening of the place. We listened and flocked and hummed and sang. Gradually rising to the top of the Necropolis in our growing appreciation of the birds in this place, becoming gradually more bird in our avian attunement, grieving the silence and absences, celebrating presence.

My next BECOMING BIRD WALK will take place at 7am, Sunday 1st October at New Farm, Lydford on Fosse.

See events page for more details.


Delighted to be interviewed by the fantastic landscape writer, Justin Hopper, for this brilliant podcast series.


Transreading Interspecies Empathy & Innovative Poetics


in association with

The Poetry School

becoming fungi, becoming forest

Thurs 2nd, Fri 3rd & Sat 4th December 2021


becoming fungi, becoming forest was a sirenscrossing production, created in collaboration with Carolyn Deby, Jamie McCarthy, Jia-Yu Corti, Katye Coe, Camilla Nelson, Tom Simkins, Debra Salem, Mary Savva, Rosie McCauley & Lisa Franklin.

Inspired by Merlin Sheldrake’s book Entangled Life, the work imagined Coventry as a place of invisible connections and interacting ecosystems including humans, fungi, trees, microbes and other life - from the fungi sprawling through and under city surfaces, the yeasts living inside our body, to the fungi that link together with plants in complex networks known as the ‘Wood Wide Web’. The work invited small groups of up to 25 audience members to move through a series of 6 locations over the progress of 2 hours, exploring performance, poetry, moving image, mycelial and wild yeast experiences, choreography and singing at a series of secret locations across Coventry’s city centre.

Commissioned by Coventry City of Culture Trust and Coventry Biennial of Contemporary Art, with support from The Pod, MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at University of Exeter, British Mycological Society, Arboricultural Association, Coventry Tree Wardens, and GroCycle.

This project was part of #GreenFutures, supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Severn Trent Community Fund.

Vienna Biennale

28th May – 3rd October 2021

MAK: The Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna

Fragments of BECOMING FUNGUS (featuring Merlin Sheldrake, angela rawlings, Rhys Trimble, Milena Popov-Nena, Camilla Nelson, Amy Cutler and Helen Moore), BECOMING PLANT (featuring Jez Riley French, Reiko Goto, Tim Collins & Chris Malcolm, Tom Ingate, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett, Cosmo Sheldrake & Erin Robinsong) & BECOMING INSECT (featuring The Insect Librarian / Linus Slug, Lily Hunter Green, Tom Moore, Dr Eyal Maori, Dr Luigi Aloia & Karin Matharu, Heloise Tunstall-Behrens & Auclair, Helen Frosi and Susie David) were displayed live alongside artwork by Ana Mendieta and Lawrence Weiner among others at MAK’s (Museum of Applied Arts) CLIMATE CARE: Reimagining Shared Planetary Futures for the 2021 Vienna Biennale.

The exhibition takes visitors on a voyage of discovery through an inspiring panorama of ideas, processes, and narratives on key areas of life and activity, to include nourishment and nurture, living, motion, production, cooperation, and the mobilization of active hope. 


5th July 2021


New Jersey

Camilla speaks plants, fungus, reading and writing, dreams, ducks and other life forms with Adriene Lilly on The Blind Tourist, over at WFMU, New Jersey.

Parts of Becoming Fungus and A Yarn Er Narrative aired again here, alongside a number of works by other plant-inspired artists and authors.

Check out the full programme here.


In November 2020, at UnderGROWTH’s invitation, BECOMING developed into a number of performative experiments into becoming insect, plant, bird and animal through movement and mark-making. The result was a series of original artworks, poems and creative prompts that were handbound into sixty-six booklets and accompanying artworks for delivery across Coventry via The Pod. Recipients are encouraged to share their prompts, artworks and poetry to create a fungal network - a wood wide web - of creative resources across Coventry to better support and integrate these plural ways of becoming.

BECOMING began as a series of hour-long radio essays commissioned by Soundart Radio in the summer of 2020 for Tomorrow’s Transmissions. Each episode presents a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. 

The first in a series of six, hour-long radio essays, commissioned by Soundart Radio, that weave poetry, nonfiction, theory, soundart and performance together in a shamanistic effort to become other (fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal) in order to better become our selves. As government responses to coronavirus shuts human activity down, the rest of the world thrives. Unmown verges flower and seed, animals move into urban centres, air and water clears, bird and fish populations recover. Each episode suggests a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. Might the incorporation of these other-than human strategies help us better work with rather than against the rest of life on earth and help mitigate climate crisis? Contributors: Merlin Sheldrake Helen Moore Sharon Kivland angela rawlings Rhys Trimble Milena Popov-Nena Camilla Nelson Amy Cutler Stephen Emmerson Michael Prime John Cage A Blade of Grass: Jan Mun Created by: Camilla Nelson Commissioned by SoundArt Radio First aired on Sunday 5th July 2020


Merlin Sheldrake  Entangled Lifeeating & piano accompaniment

Helen Moore Mycelium & the Mental Dance of Fruiting Bodies

Sharon Kivland Freud on Holiday. Volume IV. A Cavernous Defile. Part I 

angela rawlings Mushrooms of North from Echolology

Rhys Trimble mycelium noir

Milena Popov-Nena Once Upon a Time: Lichen-Covered Rocks

Camilla Nelson Mycena Inclinata from A Yarner Narrative

Amy Cutler ghost antler lichen from Örö Tape: Fieldtrips of the Damned

Stephen Emmerson  Fungal Translations of Rilke

Michael Prime   The Sound of Mycelium Digesting a Book

John Cage “Mushroom Haiku”, excerpt from Silence (1972/69) (from The Dial-A-Poem Poets LP)

A Blade of Grass FIELDWORKS: JAN MUN, Greenpoint Bioremediation Project.

"Becoming Plant" is the second episode in a series of one hour radio essays that weave poetry, nonfiction, theory, soundart and performance together in a shamanistic effort to become other - fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal - in order to better become our selves. "Becoming Plant" features work by James Coghill, Timothy Morton, Alex Metcalf, Camilla Nelson, Julie Andreyev, Tom Ingate, Reiko Goto, Tim Collins, Chris Malcolm, Jez Riley French, Susanne Eules, Harriet Tarlo, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett, Erin Robinsong and Cosmo Sheldrake. As government responses to coronavirus shuts human activity down, the rest of the world thrives. Unmown verges flower and seed, animals move into urban centres, air and water clears, bird and fish populations recover. Each episode suggests a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. Might the incorporation of these other-than human strategies help us better work with rather than against the rest of life on earth and help mitigate climate crisis?


James Coghill Artist’s Conk

Timothy Morton from “Thinking Ecology: The Mesh 1

Alex Metcalf & Camilla Nelson from “Tree Listening Experiments”

Alex Metcalf The Tree Listening Project

Julie Andreyev from “Who Are You Hearing Me

Jez Riley French Ink Botanic: Cherry Birch Tree

Reiko Goto, Tim Collins & Chris Malcolm Plein Air: Alder

Tom Ingate The Apple Tree Orchestra: Excerpt from “Three Seasons

Susanne Eules from “Dancing an Apple Suite In Johann Caspar Schiller’s Orchard”

Harriet Tarlo Saltwort

Elizabeth-Jane Burnett from “The Grassling

Cosmo Sheldrake & Erin Robinsong The Woods

The third in a series of six, one hour radio essays that weave poetry, nonfiction, theory, soundart and performance together in a shamanistic effort to become other (fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal) in order to better become our selves. As government responses to coronavirus shuts human activity down, the rest of the world thrives. Unmown verges flower and seed, animals move into urban centres, air and water clears, bird and fish populations recover. Each episode suggests a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. Might the incorporation of these other-than human strategies help us better work with rather than against the rest of life on earth and help mitigate climate crisis? Becoming Insect includes contributions by The Insect Librarian / Linus Slug, Fiona Benson, Mair Bosworth, Phil Rushworth, Sarah-Lee McCall, Christina Turley & Eliza Lomas, Pheobe Law, Lily Hunter Green, Tom Moore, Dr Eyal Maori, Dr Luigi Aloia & Karun Matharu, Susie David, Mandy Haggith, Dr Luke Thompson, Jez Riley French, Heloise Tunstall-Behrens & Auclair, Victoria Gill // Dr Martin Benscik, Helen Frosi, Dr Rebecca Varley-Winter


The Insect Librarian / Linus Slug In Conversation with Camilla Nelson

The Insect Librarian / Linus Slug “Of Cells & Mutation” & “Six Legs”

Fiona Benson, Mair Bosworth, Eliza Lomas

& produced by Phil Rushworth In the Company of Insects (Arts & Culture Exeter)

Sarah-Lee McCall “Maggots” from Insect Lovesongs Arts & Culture Exeter)

Christina Turley & Eliza Lomas “Earwig Rebranded” from Insect Lovesongs (Arts & Culture Exeter)

Fiona Benson & Mair Bosworth “Love Poem Lampiridae Lampiris Noctiluca” (Bioluminescent Baby)

Pheobe Law “Castor Bean Ticks” (field recording)

Dylan Dawson & Eliza Lomas “Ticks” from Insect Lovesongs (Arts & Culture Exeter)

Lily Hunter Green, Tom Moore,Dr Eyal Maori

Dr Luigi Aloia & Karun Matharu Silencing the Virus

Lily Hunter Green, Tom Moore from “Silencing the Virus Infected

Susie David “Butterfly”

Mandy Haggith “Midges”

Dr Luke Thompson “Three Insects” from Singing about Melon (Shearsman)

Jez riley French “Onsen Camp Site” from Suketchi

Lily Hunter Green, Tom Moore & Neon Dance “Bee Composed - Aldeburgh Residencies - Snape Maltings”

Lily Hunter Green & Tom Moore “Bee Composed” (live)

Heloise Tunstall-Behrens & Auclair from The Swarm (Amorphous Sounds) - “Solar,” “Buzz Run.”

Victoria Gill // Dr Martin Benscik from A Bee C: Scientists translate honeybee queen duets (BBC)

Helen Frosi “National Anthem”

Dr Rebecca Varley-Winter from “Goblin & Commodius Bees in Emily Dickinson & Mina Loy”

BECOMING BIRD is the fourth episode in a series of six, hour-long radio essays that weave poetry, nonfiction, theory, soundart and performance together in a shamanistic effort to become other (fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal) in order to better become our selves. As government responses to coronavirus shuts human activity down, the rest of the world thrives. Unmown verges flower and seed, animals move into urban centres, air and water clears, bird and fish populations recover. Each episode suggests a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. Might the incorporation of these other-than human strategies help us better work with rather than against the rest of life on earth and help mitigate climate crisis? With contributions from J. Drew Lanham, Cosmo Sheldrake, Maggie O'Sullivan, Jonathan Skinner, Sally Ann McIntyre, Baz Nichols & Kerri ni Dochartaigh, Sara Evelyn, Catherine Clover, Jane Pitt, Fintan O'Brien, Ian Davidson, Julia Schauerman and Hanna Tuulikki.


Camilla Nelson In conversation with J. Drew Lanham

J. Drew Lanham Nine New Revelations for the Black American Birdwatcher

Sally Ann McIntyre 12 Collected Huia Notations

Hanna Tuulikki Cloud Cuckoo Island

fragments from ‘by the shoreline’ in Away with the Birds

Cosmo Sheldrake Cuckoo & Nightingale Part 1 from Wake Up Calls

Sara Evelyn Murmur

Catherine Clover Pigeon Choir

Jane Pitt Flutterance

Finten O’Brien Swallows in song - 18 May 2017 - 7.17am

Ian Davidson The Swallow

Julia Schauermann & Joanna Dobson Different Voices

Baz Nicholls & Kerri ni Dochartaigh  from For Those Born with Wings (Place Editions) - read by Linden Hale

Jonathan Skinner Blackbird Stanzas

Maggie O’Sullivan from Courtship of Lapwings

BECOMING ANIMAL is the fifth in a series of six, hour-long radio essays commissioned by Soundart Radio as part of a feature funded by Arts Council England, called Tomorrow's Transmissions. The series weaves poetry, nonfiction, theory, soundart and performance together in a shamanistic effort to become other (fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal) in order to better become our selves. As government responses to coronavirus shuts human activity down, the rest of the world thrives. Unmown verges flower and seed, animals move into urban centres, air and water clears, bird and fish populations recover. Each episode suggests a more sustainable way of becoming human, inspired by what it means to be fungus, insect, plant, bird and animal, respectively. Might the incorporation of these other-than human strategies help us better work with rather than against the rest of life on earth and help mitigate climate crisis? BECOMING ANIMAL features contributions from Minja Mertanen (Other Spaces), Caroline Harris, Susan Richardson, Naho Iguchi, no.9, Christian Passeri, Asato Sakamoto, Shin Yu Pai, Oana Avasilichioaei, Alexi Francis & Scott Thurston. And references to: David Abram; Thomas Nagel. #becominganimal First aired on Soundart Radio, Sunday 25th October 2020 For full info visit: or


Minja Mertanen (Other Spaces) & Camilla Nelson  In Conversation

Other Spaces Wolf Safari

Caroline Harris Canine OrCut Out Bambi

Susan Richardson “Stench”, “Play”, “Glass”, “Plibble”

from Words the Turtle Taught Me (Cinnamon Press, 2018)

Naho Iguchi & Camilla Nelson In Conversation

Naho Iguchi (author); no.9 (composer); Journey to Lioness (teaser)

Christian Passeri (cinematographer);

Asato Sakamoto (editor).

Shin Yu Pai “Gyotaku” 

(first aired on The Wild podcast, KUOW Public Radio, Seattle)

Oana Avasilichioaei “We Beasts” from We Beasts (Wolsak & Wynn, 2012)

Alexi Francis fox bark (audio)

Scott Thurston “In Animal”


David Abram Becoming Animal (Vintage, 2010)

Thomas Nagel “What is it Like to Be a Bat?”

Katie Pavid   “When Wales Walked on Four Legs

  (The Natural History Museum)